More Ads Are Coming to Facebook

Elina Rudkovsky


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Facebook will expand monetization options for video-makers. Now your vid needs to be at least one minute long to generate money.

Yoav Armstein — the man behind Facebook ads — recently announced that content makers will be able to monetize much shorter vids than before.

As he said, Facebook wants to “help content creator payouts grow while providing a good viewing experience for people and a way for advertisers to reach relevant audiences”.

In the light of upcoming changes, Facebook also plans to add a new form of ads — sticker ads. And monetization policy will demand that you have 600,000 minutes or 10,000 hours of view-time accumulated within 60 days and at least 5 public videos.

Facebook will also focus on promoting Stars. It’s the platform’s own virtual currency similar to Roblox’s robux or Bigo’s diamonds. With them, fans can reward their favorite channels both morally and  financially.

Creators will sure earn a few extra bucks from the new concept. But it also means that viewers will have to sit through even more commercials — Facebook doesn’t really explain how they’ll keep the flow of  a one-minute video intact while interrupting it in the middle.
