Fashion, Beauty, Home Appliances: What Customers Buy on Social Media

Audrey Hansen


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Marketing on social media is already a thing, but this largest marketplace still has the potential to grow. More and more brands and sellers now either enter this market or deepen their presence there. But what are social media users really open to buying after seeing ads among their friends’ posts and stories?

Bazaarvoice has conducted research that shows how much users are influenced by social media and what categories of goods are best sold on these platforms. The greatest gap noticed was related to beauty products: 91% of customers are ready to buy them on social media, and only 44% only believe in brick-and-mortar commerce. It’s quite logical because social media have always been about appearance and thus about music. 

When speaking of the general audience, the astonishing 76% of it admit they are highly influenced by social media – first of all, Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok, but other networks also contribute. And almost the same percentage of the – 73% - not only feel that influence but actively shop on social media, following the links they see to make purchases.

Which social media are the best suited for eCommerce? The undeniable leader now is TikTok, the platform that featured advanced free tools for marketers, detailed insights that show current trends and predict the tomorrow, and easy integration of online shops.

Influencers also play their part, and not only millionaires. It’s worth noticing that so-called micro-influencers form quite a macro part of this process. They are simply more trustable than the official ads which are efficient but not as much as finely targeted micro-influencing.

Have you made any purchases on social media? What did you buy, and what pushed you to this decision? Welcome to our comments and share a story of your social shopping with us!
