Discover the Underrated Yet Exciting iOS 17 Features That Will Change Your iPhone Experience

Elina Rudkovsky


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Unearthing the treasure trove of iOS 17's hidden features is akin to embarking on a thrilling quest of tech discovery. This operating system is packed with surprises, and each feature is thoughtfully designed to enhance user experience and functionality. Whether you've just updated your iPhone or have been enjoying iOS 17 for a while, there’s always something new to discover.

The Spotlight: iMessage Apps Management

One intriguing feature in iOS 17 that many iPhone users have yet to explore is the new way to manage iMessage apps. Apple has made it easier for users to independently manage their iMessage applications, resulting in a more personalized and streamlined iMessage experience.

The Added Sparkle: Live Stickers in Your iMessages

Talking about iMessage, Apple has pushed the fun factor a notch higher with the introduction of Live stickers in the iMessage. These animated stickers add a dash of creativity and personalization to every text, making every conversation alive and engaging.

Sparkle Live Stickers iOS 17

The Life-Saver: Transcription of Audio Messages

Now, let's reveal a highly-practical feature – the ability to transcribe audio messages. This feature comes in handy when you're in noisy environments or when you want to read messages discreetly. With iOS 17, you no longer have to strain your ears or rush to find a quiet corner to listen to your messages; you can simply read them!

The Tracker: Automatic Notifications for Loved Ones

iOS 17 has leveraged location services to roll out a feature that’s both thoughtful and useful. You can set up your device to automatically notify your loved ones when you arrive or leave a specific geolocation. This feature offers peace of mind and saves you the trouble of sending manual updates.

The Organizer: New Way to Share and View Locations

The article you provided only listed up to 54 features, but you might explore further on your own or refer to the official iOS 17 feature guide by Apple to uncover more novel features. From improved location sharing and viewing capabilities to advanced filters in Messages, from instant number swapping with NameDrop to personalized Journaling suggestions – iOS 17 stands tall as a feature-packed, intuitive, and user-centric operating system.

The Organizer iOS 17

The Convenience Multiplier: Inserting Contacts and Passwords Directly into Messages

iOS 17 has turned messaging into a highly efficient platform. Now, you can effortlessly insert contacts and passwords straight into messages. Sharing info has never been more secure and straightforward!

The Tune Tailor: Customizable Crossfade in Apple Music

A significant tailor-made element introduced in iOS 17 is enabling and customizing Crossfade in Apple Music. This little gem allows you to control the blending of songs, providing a DJ-like music experience right from your iPhone!

The Transformer: Simplified iMessage Apps Rearrangement

Revamping your iMessage apps' arrangement is made significantly more manageable by iOS 17. By offering a flexible way to adjust and rethink the organization of iMessage apps, your virtual environment caters to your preferences more than ever.

The Well-being Assessor: Logging Your State of Mind

Your mental state tracking is taken to a new height with iOS 17's feature of logging your mood. This self-awareness tool can serve as a valuable resource for personal growth and mental health management.

The Well-being Assessor iOS 17

The Clean Slate: Deleting Entire or Specific Mental Health Data

Alongside mood logging, iOS 17 allows users to maintain control over their information by providing options to delete specific or entire mental health data. This level of control renders the mood tracker a safe and private tool.

The above features are but a few of the treasures hidden in iOS 17. With more than 70 unique innovations ranging from improved Safari functions, moon phase calendars, enhanced image capturing, health data control, and many more, iOS 17 truly presents a feast of functionality rarely paralleled. Each feature discovered is a step closer to a more intuitive, seamless, and personalized iPhone experience. Let these extraordinary tools elevate your daily device interactions to new levels of efficiency and pleasure.
