Telegram Update for Premium and Free Users

Telegram regularly receives functional updates that add helpful tools to the messenger. The developers have announced the release of a new patch. Of course, the best new feature is available only to premium users.
Paid account holders can now transcript information from video messages. This tool was previously available for voice messages. Now the creators are expanding its capabilities and making it even more useful for those cases when it is inconvenient for you to use headphones or watch videos. While you can use other services to transcribe voice and video messages, having a built-in tool is still handy.
All other features are available to all users, not only paid ones. Now you can divide groups with a large number of participants (from 200 or more) into small thematic subgroups. The purpose is to facilitate communication between the members since discussing some issues may not interest everyone else. Since these dedicated subgroups are part of a larger chat, all the same tools, like polls and pinned messages, are available in them. The developers have already promised additional features for such internal chats shortly.
Users can also link so-called “collection” names to their accounts. Telegram launched the Fragment service based on the TON blockchain to do it. Name trades take place in the format of auctions, and their cost depends on the number of characters; the fewer of them, the more expensive the account name. You can also deactivate them, making them invisible in search results, but still owning them.
Other highlights include new Halloween-themed emojis, text resizing for Android devices, a rework of night mode for iOS, and minor design improvements. If you have already updated the messenger, tell us in the comments what you liked more. Is it necessary for you to divide large chats into subgroups