Train Life: A Railway Simulator Review

Train Life: A Railway Simulator is a game for PC, Mac, and Linux that was released on September 24, 2015. The game was developed and published by Dean Dauger Research, LLC. The game is a detailed railway simulator that allows the player to build and manage their own railway system.

The player must design their railway system, choose the type of trains, track, and signaling, and then manage the operation of their railway. The game features both realistic and arcade gameplay modes, as well as a multiplayer mode.


The graphics in Train Life: A Railway Simulator is quite good. The environment is well-rendered and the trains look realistic. The user interface is clear and easy to use. The game runs smoothly and doesn't have any major graphical issues.


Train Life: A Railway Simulator is a detailed railway simulator that allows the player to build and manage their own railway system. The player must design their railway system, choose the type of trains, track, and signaling, and then manage the operation of their railway.

The game features both realistic and arcade gameplay modes. In realistic mode, the player must manage their railway system as if it were a real railway. This includes managing timetables, train schedules, track maintenance, and more. In arcade mode, the player can simply focus on driving the trains. The game also features a multiplayer mode, in which players can build and manage their railway systems together.


The multiplayer in Train Life: A Railway Simulator is well done. Players can build and manage their railway systems together. players can also compete against each other to see who can build the most efficient railway system. The multiplayer is well-integrated and easy to use.


Train Life: A Railway Simulator is a very replayable game. There is a lot of content to unlock and there are many different ways to play the game. The game also features a multiplayer mode, which adds to the replayability. The game also has good mod support, which allows players to create their own content.


Train Life: A Railway Simulator is a detailed railway simulator that allows the player to build and manage their own railway system. The game features both realistic and arcade gameplay modes, as well as a multiplayer mode. The game is well-made and has good graphics. The gameplay is deep and the replay value is high. The multiplayer is well done. Overall, Train Life: A Railway Simulator is a great game for players who are interested in railway simulations.


  • Can learn about how to operate a train 
  • Can experience what it is like to be a train conductor 
  • Gain an appreciation for the engineering and logistics involved in running a railroad


  • Limited gameplay value
  • May be too slow-paced for some
  • Can be frustrating trying to keep the train on schedule
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Elina Rudkovsky
Professional Reviewer
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